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Jun 6, 2024



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Jun 6, 2024

To celebrate Asian Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month, we wanted to highlight the vast diversity, contributions, and rich cultures of the API diaspora, bringing much-needed attention, recognition, and understanding to a community that has often avoided the spotlight.

It was with great pleasure that the Asian Pacific Islander Employee Resource Group at Mapbox was able to host API Heritage Month celebrations throughout the month of May and we would love to share some of those moments with you.

Live Virtual ‘Coffeehouse’ Music Session

Virtual performance from Hawaiian band, Haopinaka

We were joined by Hawaiian band, Haopinaka, for a virtual concert featuring Pacific Islander songs and dance.

API Heritage Month Virtual Trivia Game

The API ERG hosted a virtual trivia event focused on API history and culture

Uplifting API Voices

Last year, members of the API ERG were able to share their personal stories in a video series called, Telling Our Stories. To continue to tell API stories, we reshared the videos across the company, showing the diverse range of experiences and issues within the API community, including mental health and finding a new place to call home.

"Celebrating Asian Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month at Mapbox has been an incredible journey. We’ve had the chance to highlight the rich diversity, amazing contributions, and unique cultures within the API community. While that’s important during May, it’s also important to continue sharing these stories." -Zakiya Hussein, co-leader of the API employee resource group

Continue the Conversation

API Heritage Month, while important to the API community, is not the only time that we should celebrate the API community and elevate its voices. The API ERG at Mapbox will continue to elevate API voices beyond the month of May because we as a community have much to say. While everyone has a voice, not everyone has a platform. We encourage the API community and allies to continue to use their platforms to make their voices heard and to use their platforms to lift up voices who don’t have platforms of their own.

Thank you for celebrating API Month with us and let’s continue to elevate the API community together.

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