Quickly create custom marker and heatmap styles in Mapbox Studio

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Jul 21, 2021

Quickly create custom marker and heatmap styles in Mapbox Studio


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Jul 21, 2021

We’ve added two additional data visualization components in Mapbox Studio for all users -- Symbols and Heatmap. There is more detailed information on each of these below. With six data visualization components now available in Studio, we’ve also added the ability to change the order in which your data visualizations appear in a style.  For example, if you're trying to show a choropleth displaying vaccination rates per state, you can reorder the choropleth above the road network to reduce clutter on your map.

The Symbols component lets you quickly visualize your custom data with icons and labels in Studio, without requiring complex knowledge of Mapbox GL JS expressions or needing to work directly with a symbols layer.

Instead of configuring each layer property individually, the component’s smart styling algorithm selects a data field and creates a scale with values from your custom data. Each Symbols component can include up to seven different geometric Maki icons, which can be resized and recolored directly in Studio to fit your use case. Have a set of custom icons you would rather use instead? Simply select and replace the default icons with your own.

Add the Heatmap component to create and style a density visualization in a matter of seconds. The component smart-styles your data based on feature density, which you can style using the built-in colorblind-friendly palettes available in Studio. Resize the radius for each cluster or adjust the opacity using simple sliders in the component interface to create compelling visualizations of your point data.

Get started with data visualization in Mapbox Studio

Senior Map Designer Kelsey Taylor has created a style using three data visualization components that is available for all users to try. Cyclone visualizes all tropical cyclones in the Atlantic and East Pacific Oceans in 2020. Copy Cyclone to your Studio account to get started.

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